Comings and Goings
As we reach the end of term, we will be bidding a fond farewell to a small number of children who are moving to other parts of England and abroad. We will also be saying goodbye to a couple of other important members of the Manor family.
Mrs MacAusland, who has taught music to Penguins and Owls for the past year, as well as tutoring some children who are learning woodwind instruments, has secured a post as a music teacher in a school to start in January. We wish her the best of luck. Entrust Music Service have an experienced replacement ready to go, who we will confirm shortly.
This term we have been lucky to have two trainee associate teachers from Birmingham City University. Next week will be the last week for Miss Waheed, who has worked with Mr Lloyd in Owls class. Miss Ennis will complete her block with Mr Culff in Swans next week but will return after Easter for her final placement in Penguins with Mrs Armstrong.
We are also sad to say that Fiona Simkins is moving away from the area, so we will also be saying farewell to her. Mrs Simkins is like an unpaid member of staff and has been very much at the heart of the re-emergence of the PTA. As chair, she has put in a huge amount of work and has been the driving force behind the excellent events and organisation of the group. Like any good leader, though she will be sorely missed, she has built a great team that will sail on without her.
Mrs Simkins has also been a governor for the past year so we will be holding elections over the next few weeks to appoint a parent as a replacement. Do look out for nomination forms coming out soon.
Meanwhile, we also have new children joining us in Ducklings, Robins, Swans and Owls after Christmas. I'm sure everyone will make the new children and families welcome in our Manor community.