A message from Mrs Hamblin (Fierté CEO)
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another busy term is nearly over, with much to celebrate. As ever, we appreciate your commitment and support to your child’s school life. Please see below a few updates:
Leadership and Management
There are some changes taking place over the next term in relation to leadership.
- Mrs. Michelle Kee is leaving her role as Headteacher at Violet Way Academy. We thank her for her considerable commitment and hard work. Mrs. Becky Harris will be picking up the baton as Headteacher following the Easter break.
- Mrs. Sonia Burke, Deputy Headteacher at Dosthill Primary, is moving to the new Free School Presumption (Garden Village Academy) after Easter as Headteacher. Mr. Richard Gould has been appointed as Head of School at Dosthill from July 2024.
- Mr. David Shakeshaft will be overseeing both Dosthill Primary Academy and Ankermoor Primary following the Easter Break as Executive Headteacher.
- Mrs. Kerry Davies, currently at Anker Valley Academy, has secured a post at Wilnecote Junior School as Assistant Headteacher of Inclusion.
- Mrs. Rebecca Bradshaw will undertake the role of Assistant Headteacher at Heathfield's Academy after Easter.
We appreciate that with ten schools there will be changes now and again. Our aim is to ensure that transitions are seamless and that leaders are supported to undertake their new roles as quickly as possible.
Garden Village Primary
Our new Free School Presumption, Garden Village Academy, continues to be built very rapidly. Significant engagement with the school community and other local schools has taken place, led by Tony Hand (Vice-CEO) as Project Lead. We expect the building to be handed over officially on July 22nd, 2024. There are already 21confirmed places in the Reception year group and much interest in the Nursery provision. Please look at the Trust website for more information on Garden Village Academy.
Trust Wide Parent Survey
We received a response from 554 parents regarding the Edurio Trust Parent Survey. Immense thanks to the many parents who took the time to complete the questions. The results will be shared with school leaders and the Trust Board for further consideration. We value your insights. Thank you.
Recent Inspections across the Trust
We are delighted to report that both Ankermoor Primary Academy, Anker Valley Primary Academy and Edgehill Junior Academy have all received ‘good ‘judgments in recent Ofsted inspections. The hard work and commitment of staff, parents and leaders has supported these positive outcomes.
The vast majority of our parents work with our schools in a respectful and supportive manner. This is crucial for us to maintain positive working relationships. Ultimately, this benefits our children. We continue to challenge any behaviour that is less than acceptable whether directly or indirectly e.g., through social media because ultimately this detracts from our job, which is to educate our children.
I hope you will enjoy some time with loved ones during Easter. We look forward to welcoming you back after the Easter break.
Kindest regards always,
Maria Hamblin (CEO)