Early Years
EYFS Curriculum
EYFS curriculum at Manor takes into account the young child’s aptitude to learn through different forms of activity – in particular play, talk and first-hand experiences. It is organised into seven areas of learning and includes both adult directed and child-selected activities that best respond to their needs and interests.
Prime Areas
Communication and Language
This helps children to develop language through talking, thinking, and listening in different situations. To support children in their early reading and writing, they are encouraged to mark make, enjoy stories, books and rhymes, and link sounds and letters.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This area of learning helps children to feel good about themselves and others so they are able to develop positive relationships. It supports them to become independent, excited and motivated learners.
Physical Development
Making progress in physical development, particularly fine and gross motor skills, gives children confidence and enables them to feel the benefits of being healthy and active.
Specific Areas
In this area of learning, children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to enjoy the world of print. This is done through daily phonics sessions and challenges and opportunities in the continuous provision. Most importantly, it is done through the simple act of enjoying great stories. Reading for pleasure is an intrinsic part of the children’s daily experience.
This area of learning includes developing mathematical understanding through stories, songs, games, everyday activities, and imaginative play. It helps them to enjoy experimenting and becoming confident and curious about numbers, shapes, patterns, and measures.
Understanding the World
In this area of learning, children develop knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. This is the foundation for later work in history, geography, RE, science, design technology, and ICT.
Expressive Arts and Design
This area of learning includes art, music, dance, drama, and imaginative play. There are opportunities for children to try new experiences and express themselves in a variety of ways.
Early Years Long Term Plan
Knowledge Organisers
- Knowledge organiser Animal Story Characters.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Arctic.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Autumn.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Celebrations.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Chinese-New Year.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Christmas.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Dinosaurs.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Easter.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Ourselves.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Seaside.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Spring season.pdf
- Knowledge organiser The Tiger Who Came to Tea.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Toys.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Traditional Stories.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Well-Known Authors - Julia Donaldson.pdf
- Knowledge organiser Winter.pdf
Useful documents
- Development Matters Statements Ages and Stages plus ELG 2021.pdf
- eyfs-elg-one-page-document.pdf
- eyfs-characteristics-of-effective-teaching-and-learning.pdf
- White Rose EYFS - Maths MTP.pdf
- White Rose EYFS detailed SoL.pdf
- Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage