Let's go!

Robins and Ducklings have been trying out their new balance bikes.
Robins and Ducklings have been trying out the new balance bikes that the school has received recently. Before the last half-term break, Mr Forman and Mrs Turner were lucky enough to go on a half-day training course run by the Bikeability Trust. This training was designed for balance bikes specifically, and is the first stepping stone onto a fun-packed life on two wheels. It's also linked very well with the training that the Bikeability Trust regularly run with the children at Manor Primary. As part of the training, we received six new balance bikes and six new helmets for free. We still have our older balance bikes, which we will continue to use for zooming around the playground and improving those gross motor skills. The new balance bikes, which also have a rear brake with them, will be used more specifically for skills and training that will help Robins and Ducklings become more safe and efficient and also more ready for the next step of the Bikeability Trust training when they reach that stage in school. The children were very excited to be on the new bikes and to wear the new helmets, something we managed to do on the warmest day of the year so far. Great fun all round!